Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Setting Up Shops

I've been on Etsy for nearly a year.  Last week, I couldn't pass up the $7 a month for life on Art Fire.  But driving interest to my shops - well, that's a real challenge.  I'm setting up this blog with the idea that my random thoughts plus links to my various pages, will keep me organized and give me a real direction.

We'll see how it works.  Want to go through the adventure with me?


  1. I started an artfire shop too. Hope it brings you more business.

  2. Cool! I have not looked at Artfire. There are way too many sites! I hope you have good luck there. Also, thanks for stoppin by my blog and following! Cheers from Boston! LOL.

  3. Thanks weezawear and Lone Beader - how fun to find comments minutes after going live!
