Thursday, June 11, 2009

Going Buggy!

I just love bugs!  Rolly polly's are my favorite, maybe because they are so interactive.  I also love butterflys (who doesn't!) and decided to paint a few inspired by photos I found in an old book.

This black butterfly was a fun model.  The wings are so pretty, but she actually has a very creepy looking face.  It reminded me of the Sponge Bob episode where everyone was running from the butterfly - viewed up close, they can be a bit scary!  

Since the book was missing pages, this butterfly wasn't identified.  I was able to make an educated guess by searching the web that it may be a female eastern swallowtail.  Since she's black, I named the painting simply, "Butterfly Noire" adding the "e" at the end since that's the feminine form of the word.  

I have more fun photo's I've taken in my garden so I think I'll be painting bugs, at least for a little while!

Butterfly Noire can be seen in my Artfire store.

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